In a business and professional environment, issues related to the use and preservation of anti-icing agents, in accordance with world standards and regulations, were discussed.

Despite the state of war resulting from Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Association "Airports of Ukraine" (AAUCA) continues to operate in normal mode, supporting its members and addressing current and potential issues that may arise during the resumption of aviation transportation in Ukraine.

One such issue was discussed on November 15, 2023, during the meeting of the "Specialties and Anti-Icing Agents" section of the PMM committee. The hybrid event (offline + online) involved manufacturers and suppliers of anti-icing agents, scientists, and experts who directly use them at airports. Discussions covered topics such as current regulatory acts, usage technologies, possibilities of extending the storage periods of aviation anti-icing agents.

The event aimed to gather a wide range of experts from airport ground services, aerodrome support and fuel-lubricant materials, ecologists, as well as handling companies, organizations, and enterprises related to anti-icing agents, their storage, issuance, and quality control, de-icing and anti-icing procedures for aircraft and aerodrome surfaces.

Specialists and professionals in this field, colleagues of AAUCA, had the opportunity to comprehensively present their reports and express their opinions on various topics directly related to types of anti-icing fluids and reagents, ways to extend their storage terms, including during the suspension of aviation activities, approval of aviation anti-icing agents, environmental aspects of their use, key documents regulating removal procedures, prevention of ice formation on the aircraft surface on the ground, collection, disposal, and regeneration of aviation anti-icing substances, improvement of environmental protection, and more.

Presentations were given by the Director of "DiaR Energy Group" company, Serhii Yezhov, certified de-icing instructor Oleksandr Cherepanov, and the head of the NDIIL DEMET of the Igor Sikorsky KPI, Iryna Shkilniuk.

The event proceeded informatively, in a friendly professional and constructive atmosphere, allowing all participants to join discussions both offline and online, and all questions received their answers.

All participants are very grateful to the management of Master-Avia LLC for the comfortable facilities for the meeting and providing the necessary means for uninterrupted communication with participants online.

We hope that our work will yield results, airports will receive qualified consultations to reduce losses, and aviation transportation in our country will be restored as soon as possible.

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