It is pleasant to be among friends who understand, support and help Ukrainian air companies in such a difficult period.

At the invitation of the State Enterprise "Polish Airports" (PPL) to participate in the International Conference AIR 2022 - Airport Innovation, organized jointly with the Association of European Airports V4+ in Warsaw, the Ukrainian delegation of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" of Civil Aviation (AAUCA) took part in the event for the purpose of exchange experience and familiarization with the activities of capital airports of various categories.
The AAUCA delegation, headed by President Petro Lypovenko, included representatives of airports, airlines and institutions that directly had and are related to the restoration of airport infrastructure and air transportation.
AIR 2022 is the largest aviation industry conference in Central Europe, which gathered representatives of dozens of airports from 15 countries to discuss the future of the aviation market. The main topic was innovations in the field of civil aviation, including modern technologies and artificial intelligence in airport operations.
Among the participants were representatives of the Government of Poland, Director General of the Airports Council International (ACI Europe) Olivier Jankowiec, international experts and representatives of the most important aviation organizations, such as EUROCONTROL, IATA, ICAO, LOT Polish Airlines, Emirates and Wizzair.
First, the pandemic, then russia's military aggression against Ukraine are extremely difficult challenges to solve in the aviation industry, which was repeatedly emphasized at the conference, and great attention was paid specifically to the Ukrainian delegation, which felt strong support and readiness to help and go to Victory together. through shared courage and cooperation.

During the event, the Ukrainian delegation visited three capital airports, including Modlin Airport, with a passenger flow of 3 million pas/year. Mainly the transportation of low-cost airlines, where the airport management talked about the organization of airport activities and relationships between all participants in the processes, all its structural units and passenger service technology. An inspection tour of the airport, which employs 1,200 employees, was conducted.
The next day they visited the airport named after Chopin Airport, which serves 22 million passengers a year, held a meeting with the airport management and got acquainted with the activities of the main departments, passenger service processes, baggage sorting, airport maintenance equipment and experience in its operation. The operational staff includes 1,600 employees. Thanks to competent approaches to the organization of work and functioning of airport activities, it became possible to optimize the number of employees.
The Polish government continues the Solidarity Transport Hub program, which is currently the largest aviation construction project in Europe. One such project is Warsaw Radom Airport, an innovative, modern, intermodal international hub that is preparing to open next year. The greatest impression was made by minimalism, simplicity and functional solutions, as well as comfort for passengers in the one-level passenger terminal with a total area of ​​about 40,000 square meters. According to the participants of the event, this is necessary for Ukraine today in the restoration of infrastructure facilities, especially airports. And it is necessary to start with a strategy for the development of the aviation industry for at least 20 years, with the determination of the specific need for air transportation and airport infrastructure.
No matter who we talked to, we felt a fraternal friendly atmosphere and consent to a more specific dialogue on all problematic issues that will arise in the process of restoring our airports, so we are sure that all restoration processes will definitely be launched, with the help of our brotherly peoples, immediately after the Victory !

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