Aviation fuel supply is an important safety segment

Aviation fuel is an important safety segment.


On December 14, 2017, a meeting of the Air Aviation Maintenance Committee of Association "Airports of Ukraine" (AAUCA) was held on the basis of the State Aviation Museum of Ukraine, where a long overdue and non-implemented theme: "The state of regulatory and technical support for the technological processes of aviation fuel supply" was considered.


Greeting the audience addressed the president of AAUCA P. Lypovenko, director of State Museum of Aviation Y. Ziatdinov, the head of the NSC ATB S. Omelyanenko, who spoke about the directions of activity, the history of the creation and traditions of these organizations.


The meeting of the Committee was attended by representatives of the State Aviation Service, the State Committee for Standardization, the National Aviation University, deputy heads of aviation enterprises, heads of departments, specialists of aviation fuel supplying of airports of Ukraine, fueling companies, airlines, foreign representatives of manufacturers of special equipment for technological processes of aviation fuel supply.


Representatives of the DFS were invited to the meeting, who should educate those present on their work on the enactment of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 891 dated November 22, 2017. regarding the "Procedure for maintaining the Unified State Register of Meters of Flow Meters, Counters and Levels of Fuel Level in a Tank, transferring their credential data by electronic means of communication". But on the eve of the meeting, the deadline for the introduction of the Resolution was postponed to 2019, and the representatives of the DFS apparently did not have to say the attendees (all concerned specialists immediately went on vacation) because the Regulation was preparing the DFS without the consent of the operators and does not take into account the state of the infrastructure of the fuel depots, including - regional airports.


At the meeting of the Committee, a number of issues were considered regarding the provision of airports with regulatory and technical documentation and regulatory documents, metrological support of the equipment used in the processes, the latest technologies and modern equipment of the Alfonso Haar company in the fuel complex, high quality fuel cleaning using the technology of the "Faudi" at all stages of aviation fuel supply.


An analysis of regulatory and legal acts, which ensure the technological processes of fuel supply from obtaining aviation PMM to aircrafts and compliance with their European standards, was made. The directions of development of uniform documents for air companies, as well as the presence in the European community of normative and legal acts, which are operated by operators in the implementation of these processes, are considered.


After that we can conclude that 25 years of independence of Ukraine little has changed and in the plans of the State Aviation Service in 2017 work in this direction is not provided.


Presentations of enterprises and companies were heard:


• "Alphonse Haar" - about the production of special equipment of the new generation;

• "Faudi" - about the introduction of modern filters in the technological processes of fuel supply;

• SE "UkrmetStandart" on certification and metrological maintenance of aviation fuel supply equipment.


The specialists of NAU told about the scientific and practical work of the PMM laboratory, which is located on the territory of the museum, as well as work on new normative documents in the field of quality assurance of PMM, which are being developed to replace the outdated.


The participants of the event got acquainted with the exhibits of the Museum by experts from the State Museum of Aviation.


At the meeting of the committee it was decided:


1. To contact the Ministry of Infrastructure and the State Aviation Administration to create a separate subdivision of the PMM, which would deal with the maintenance of operators, inspection and organization of the development and implementation of normative and legal acts on the provision of airplane PAMM.


2. For methodological support of airports, send a letter to the State Aviation Service with a proposal - to foresee in the plans the issue of the participation of state aviation maintenance inspectors during the passage of the airport (Fuel handling companies) by auditors by airline specialists.


3. The management of the committee to provide suggestions on the organization of the AUCAA seminar on the topic: metrological maintenance of fuel filling complexes of air companies of Ukraine.


The Board of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" of the CA expresses its sincere gratitude to the leadership of the National Aviation University, Director of the Museum of Aviation Yu Zitdinov, the head of the NSC ATB S. Omelyanenko, for the content program of the meeting, warm welcome, attention and goodwill, high professionalism, which were shown to them in the organization and holding the meeting of the AAUCA Committee.

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