Who cares today about digital technologies - thinks about future development of the enterprise

Who cares today with digital technology - he thinks about the future development of the enterprise

Under such a slogan of 21.03.2018 meeting of the IT Committee of Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA (AAUCA) was held.

AAUCA President Petro Lypovenko and the General Director of Huawei Ukraine, Mr. Chow Haoji, noted the timeliness of the event and the merit of the chairman of the committee, Yevhen Vladimirov, in organizing the event on a professional level.

Speeches and presentations were made by: Director General of the State Policy in the field of Digital Infrastructure for Transport and Postal MIU Oleksandr Ozeran, Head of the Digital Aidge Ukraine-2020 project Valery Fischuk, Director of the Department of System Integration of Altis Construction LLC Oleksandr Stepanchuk, Director of IT Boryspil Aircraft Company Dmytro Verbovsky, representative of Huawei Ukraine Petro Andrukhovych, head of the industrial sector - Dmitry Zaklevsky and deputy director of the department of cloud services and ICT services - Oleksiy Muzychenko Datagroup, representative of the company's developer WEB sites Facility Vladislav Pyavka, founder and general manager of Omega Security Yevhen Nechytylo, director of the Information Security Department Bakotek Miroslav Bondar, representative of the company Robert Bosh LTD Oleksandr Statishnyuk .

About atmosphere and saturation with the events of this holiday of information technologies, it's better not to say, as one of the participants of the event commented - Arthur Vinyukov - Proshchenko on the page of AAUCA at fb: www.facebook.com/UkraineAirports

"Yesterday it was an honor to be present at the meeting of the IT Committee of the Association" Airports of Ukraine CA "(AAUCA) in the new" house "of Huawei Ukraine at 10/14 Radischev Street.
I want to thank for this pleasant, rich and very cognitive day:

- AAUCA in the person of its president, Petero Lypovenko, and especially the chairman of the IT Committee Ievgen Vladimirov, therefore, without his professionalism, rich experience, the ability to bring together the best IT specialists and charisma of the event would not have been so vivid.

- Huawei Ukraine company for its hospitality, friendliness and pleasant immersion into the warm and "blue ocean" of products and solutions for CA enterprises, as Smart Airport can be selected from the zero and turn-key from one vendor.

- Oleksandr Ozeran for a fresh and correct state view on the development of IT industry of CA enterprises and readiness for an effective partnership with the MIU with airports, the association and its members, which, hopefully, will be supported by Volodymyr Omelyan.

Valeriy Fischuk, "Evangelist" of digital azgenty of Ukraine, for a stick motivational language that does not leave indifferent.
Oleksandr Stepanchuk for what you do because it is not just airport construction but pure art.

Verbovsky Dmitry for the healthy IT development and IT security of the Boryspil airport.

And all other participants for burning eyes, a wonderful professional examination and a fountain of innovative ideas.

I would like to address separately to IT directors of regional airports in Ukraine: such events are made primarily for you and essentially must attend for the benefit of your own airports and even other tops for a proper strategic vision of the development of IT infrastructure and cybersecurity, I hope that most of them are absent, because of the unusual weather for the spring and snow.

The development of IT infrastructure of airports and their cyber security, as critical infrastructure of the state, is definitely at the forefront of the digital economy, requires large investments and enormous opportunities and helps to save, avoiding or treating cyber threats with minimal losses. The world has long lived in a state of permanent cyberwar, usually unpublished, and the situation is better than not promising, therefore, it is pleasing that the IT committee of AAUCA and around it gathered a lot of representatives of the intellectual IT elite of Ukraine and the world, capable of joint efforts make it happen. #aeroIT, #aviation, #acute, #cybersecurity, #digitalagenda, #aerocloud

The AAUCA leadership expresses its sincere gratitude to Mr. Zhou Haoji, the leadership of Huavier Ukraine, for the professional approach in organizing a high-level event with the introduction of digital technologies, hospitality and a rich program of IT solutions, including in airport activities.

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