Meeting of safety rescue and fire safety specialists

Meeting of emergency rescue and fire safety specialists

Such events are not often held where CEOs, APF divisions, and direct performers could consider the issues of organization of personnel training, staffing of special equipment and equipment, and share experiences.

Today it is very important and necessary, as the order of the State Aviation Service No. 849 of 06.10.2017. technical requirements and administrative procedures for the certification of aerodromes have been introduced in accordance with European Commission Regulation No. 139, which provides for a section on emergency rescue and fire safety.

Taking into account the above, the management of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA (AAUCA) organized on March 15, 2018, the holding of a scientific and practical seminar for personnel (managers, officials, executors) who take care and bear direct responsibility for this area of readiness of airline companies.

The event was attended by about 45 people, including representatives of the Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Defense, State Aviation Service, UkSATSE, and the invitation of the AAUCA, the leaders of the training base "Training Base Weeze GmbH & Co" (Weeze, Germany), which only in 2017. cooked 25 teas. specialists of various categories: firefighters, rescuers for aviation, police, military and anti-terrorist units of Europe and the World. The main motto of our German colleagues is: without the loss of firefighters, rescuers, who must do everything to ensure the salvation of people with the possibility of preserving the material part. For this purpose, at a training base in Germany on the territory of about 45 hectares, which is equipped with everything necessary for carrying out special training of the personnel practically in real conditions. Those who heard and saw on the slides of the presentation, the participants of the event once again confirmed that in Ukraine there is no similar ground. Representatives acquainted the participants with the techniques and necessary opportunities for practical training of the fire brigade team in the modern training center.

The meeting was opened by AAUCA President P. Lipovenko and A. Fialkovsky, General Director of LLC "PROGRESSTECH-UKRAINE", who drew attention to the urgency, timeliness and necessity of such an event.

Anna Idrisova, deputy head of the aerodrome and airport departments of the State Aviation Service, shared the state of implementation of the Technical Requirements and Administrative Procedures for the Certification of Airfields of Ukraine, in accordance with Regulation 139, entered into force by Order of the State Aviation Service dated 06.10.2017, No. 849, and the Head of the Rescue and Fire Protection Department of the State Aviation Service Oleg Ditsul spoke about the introduction of ICAO standards in the equipment of emergency rescue services of airfields of civil aviation in the draft Aviation Regulations "Rules of emergency- rescue and fire safety of flights in civil aviation of Ukraine ".

The reports and presentations of Ukrainian companies were heard:

- LLC "Tital" - a universal enterprise for the production of airfield fire special equipment, rescue equipment for airports, nuclear power plants and other enterprises.
- The company POST-01 is the official representative in Ukraine of such world-famous manufacturers of special equipment and equipment for rescue and fire-prevention works as: KUNZ (Germany); MAGIRUS (Germany); HOLMATRO (Netherlands), OSW (Germany), IV-ER (Croatia).

The event was held in a business, constructive, frank environment. We hope that it has brought the corresponding positive results, and we are sorry that not all airline companies have delegated their representatives.

Very grateful to the leadership of PROGRESSTECH-UKRAINE, personally to the general director of the company A. Fialkovskiy for the hospitality, goodwill of the staff and the possibility of holding this event in a comfortable, business environment.

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