Operational discussion of topical issues

Operational discussion of topical issues

On March 01, on the initiative of the Economic Committee of Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA (AAUCA), a Skype conference was held to discuss the procedure for establishing airport charges (Order) developed by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (MIU) in accordance with the Program of Implementation of European Regulatory Acts (NPAs), in particular, Directives 2009 / 12 / EC of 11.03.2009 on airport charges, in the aviation legislation of Ukraine.

All airports in Ukraine, experts in this direction and the management of the Aviation Department of MIU were invited to the conference. Deregulation of airport charges refers to airports with a passenger flow of up to 5 million passengers a year.
Participants in the video-skip conference were interested in and attended by the leaders and representatives of the airports of Lviv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhya, Dnipro, Sumy, Kiev (Zhulyany), Odessa who shared their thoughts and provided their proposals for the implementation of the Order, raised questions to the representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

This feedback to the airports was useful, the developers of the document received the position of the airports not only in the deregulation of the establishment of airport charges, but also in resolving issues with the installation of PS at the aerodrome, excess parking of the aircraft and the determination of fees for the performance of charter flights that need to be done now , until spring and summer navigation.

The participants also suggested adding to the Procedure for calculating airport charges.
Skype conference participants are very grateful to the AAUCA leadership for the operational organization of communication of interested specialists in discussing urgent issues and submitting their proposals.

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