Cooperation with the Polish aviation community will facilitate a quicker adaptation to European standards.

On July 26, upon the initiative of the Association of Ukrainian Airports for Civil Aviation (AAUCA), an online conference was held, gathering experts and members of AAUCA's working group with extensive practical experience in this field, along with representatives from Polish Airports (PPL) and "Orlen Aviation," a fuel company.


The working group, formed after the Aviation Fuel Supply Committee meeting on June 21, 2023, aimed to address issues related to aviation fuel facilities (AFF) and took the initiative to organise this conference.


From the Polish side, the conference was attended by PPL's leadership and experts, representatives from Warsaw and Modlin airports, as well as "Orlen Aviation." From the Ukrainian side, experts and specialists from AFFs of airports and handling companies, along with officials from the State Aviation Service, participated.


During the meeting, Mr. Sergiy Bychenko, the head of the Aviation Fuel Supply Committee, and Mr. Kirilo Yukhno, Director of "Ukraviaservice," provided insights into the status of regulatory and technical provisions for AFF processes in the aviation industry. Additionally, Ms. Malgorzata Kachorowska-Pesak from "Orlen Aviation" shared the Polish experience in implementing European fuel standards.


We are grateful for the active participation of Mr. Piotr Ciarkowski, Director of "Bikor," and Mr. Kirill Yukhno, ensuring smooth and continuous communication among conference attendees.


The meeting proceeded in a professional and friendly atmosphere, and all raised queries received comprehensive responses, benefiting from the ability to involve experts from various domains.


As a result of the conference, it was decided that the working group will work on presentations and regulatory documents from Poland, gaining more detailed insights during visits to Polish airports. Gracious invitations were extended on behalf of the Warsaw and Modlin airports, as well as "Orlen Aviation."


Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the management of PPL and "Orlen Aviation" for providing us with the opportunity to engage with experts and exchange experiences. We also extend our appreciation to Mr. Volodymyr Kudak, the CEO of "Master-Avia," for the comfort and technical support provided during this meeting.

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