Meeting of the Board of  Association "Airports of Ukraine" of civil aviation (AAUCA) took place at  Rivne International Airport

On June 20, 2018, a meeting of the Board of  Association "Airports of Ukraine" of civil aviation (AAUCA) took place at  Rivne International Airport.

The board meeting was attended by members of the Board (12 out of 15), chairmen of the committees and members of the On June 20, 2018, a meeting of the Board of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" of civil aviation (AAUCA) took place at the MK Rivne SC.

The board meeting was attended by members of the Board (12 out of 15), chairmen of the committees and members of the AAUCA.

During the meeting, which took place constructively, in a business and in a relaxed atmosphere, the issues of the participation of AAUCA in the preparation and implementation of normative legal acts (NPAs) related to the airport activity were solved, namely:
 "Strategy of development of transport, aviation, airports until 2030 year"
 Resolution of the CMU dated 09.67.2017 №676 "On approval of the procedure and rules of mandatory aviation insurance"
 AP "Procedure for Access to the Ground Services Market"
 AP "Procedure for Establishing Airport Duties and Tariffs at Ukrainian Airports"

The present members of the Board fully supported the position of the AAUCA leadership regarding the creation of the NPA according to the European principles (incorporation), which are set out in the relevant EU Directives and Regulations.

It was also noted that today, "State target program for the development of airports for the period up to 2023", approved by the CMU from 02/22/2016, No. 126 does not fully perform its functions, and is used selectively as a tool for financing individual objects.

Representatives of companies spoke with a presentation and presentation about the activities of their companies:

1. Kilfrost Europe - Dmitry Dmitriev, on the activities of the company in the production and operation of the logistics of supplying anti-icing liquids for the processing of aircraft (airplanes) and airfield coverings from a new plant in Antwerp.

2. Aviait Ltd. - Volodymyr Boyarenko and Viktor Atamanenko regarding proposals for airports and airlines:

 Supply and service of GSE - equipment "Tronair",
 Alstef cargo handling systems
 Systems and solutions for Ergopack cargo packaging
 Mobile lifts for maintenance
 Software for managing production processes at airports and airline companies from developers

3. "Training Base Weeze" (Germany) - the presentation of its activities was heard at a seminar held with emergency rescue specialists.
The decision of the Board of the company was accepted by the members of the AAUCA.

The Board considered the issue of exclusion from the AUCAA for non-compliance with the Statutory Requirements, the non-participation in the activities carried out by AAUCA and the loss of trust in the AAUCA participants as an unreliable partner, the decision was made to exclude from the AAUCA participants:

Holly Industries LLC - General Director O. M. Katushenko

NTT Energia Ltd. - General Director Pototsky V.I.

In connection with the temporary cessation of aviation activity, according to the application, it was decided to suspend the participation in the AAUCA LLC Odissey Tripe Supporter Europe.
A statement by the State Enterprise "Boryspil Airlines" about the participation in AAUCA regarding which the corresponding decision and order was given to the president of AAUCA was also dissolved.

To issue a warning about the possibility of expulsion from the Association in case of failure to comply with the requirements of the Association's Charter during the second quarter of 2018 to the following participants: LLC "AZBI", "LAS-1" (Latvia), LLC "PBM-GAZ"

After the meeting, the participants inspected the airport facilities and special equipment used for ground handling and maintenance of the aerodrome in operational condition. As a result of the survey, it was found that the airfield coverage and equipment are in satisfactory condition and require some work to restore the aerodrome marking, airfield fencing, the purchase of special equipment and ground handling equipment. Despite the 20-year absence of funds for maintenance, the coverage is in a satisfactory state, it can be said that it is better than regional airports that were built in the same period.

All these proposals were brought to the heads of the regional state administration and the regional council - the owner of the airport.

The Board of AAUCA expresses its sincere gratitude to the team and management of the RCP of the International Airport "Rivne", personally to the director of Nasiniuk I.F. and his deputy Serhiy I.V. received warm welcome, attention and hospitality and hospitality that they had shown during the organization and conduct of the event..

During the meeting, which took place constructively, in a business and in a relaxed atmosphere, the issues of the participation of AAUCA in the preparation and implementation of normative legal acts (NPAs) related to the airport activity were solved, namely:
 "Strategy of development of transport, aviation, airports until 2030 year"
 Resolution of the CMU dated 09.67.2017 №676 "On approval of the procedure and rules of mandatory aviation insurance"
 AP "Procedure for Access to the Ground Services Market"
 AP "Procedure for Establishing Airport Duties and Tariffs at Ukrainian Airports"

The present members of the Board fully supported the position of the AAUCA leadership regarding the creation of the NPA according to the European principles (incorporation), which are set out in the relevant EU Directives and Regulations.

It was also noted that today, "State target program for the development of airports for the period up to 2023", approved by the CMU from 02/22/2016, No. 126 does not fully perform its functions, and is used selectively as a tool for financing individual objects.
The Board considered the issue of admission and exclusion from the members of the AAUCA.

Representatives of companies spoke with a presentation and presentation about the activities of their companies:

1. Kilfrost Europe - Dmitry Dmitriev, on the activities of the company in the production and operation of the logistics of supplying anti-icing liquids for the processing of aircraft (airplanes) and airfield coverings from a new plant in Antwerp.

2. Aviait Ltd. - Volodymyr Boyarenko and Viktor Atamanenko regarding proposals for airports and airlines:

 Supply and service of GSE - equipment "Tronair",
 Alstef cargo handling systems
 Systems and solutions for Ergopack cargo packaging
 Mobile lifts for maintenance
 Software for managing production processes at airports and airline companies from developers

3. "Training Base Weeze" (Germany) - the presentation of its activities was heard at a seminar held with emergency rescue specialists.
The decision of the Board of the company was accepted by the members of the AAUCA.

The Board considered the issue of exclusion from the AAUCA for non-compliance with the Statutory Requirements, the non-participation in the activities carried out by AAUCA and the loss of trust in the AAUCA participants as an unreliable partner, the decision was made to exclude from the AAUCA participants:

Holly Industries LLC - General Director O. M. Katushenko

NTT Energia Ltd. - General Director Pototsky V.I.

In connection with the temporary cessation of aviation activity, according to the application, it was decided to suspend the participation in the AAUCA LLC Odissey Tripe Supporter Europe.
A statement by the State Enterprise "Boryspil Airlines" about the participation in AAUCA regarding which the corresponding decision and order was given to the president of AAUCA was also dissolved.

To issue a warning about the possibility of expulsion from the Association in case of failure to comply with the requirements of the Association's Charter during the second quarter of 2018 to the following participants: LLC "AZBI", "LAS-1" (Latvia), LLC "PBM-GAZ"

After the meeting, the participants inspected the airport facilities and special equipment used for ground handling and maintenance of the aerodrome in operational condition. As a result of the survey, it was found that the airfield coverage and equipment are in satisfactory condition and require some work to restore the aerodrome marking, airfield fencing, the purchase of special equipment and ground handling equipment. Despite the 20-year absence of funds for maintenance, the coverage is in a satisfactory state, it can be said that it is better than regional airports that were built in the same period.

All these proposals were brought to the heads of the regional state administration and the regional council - the owner of the airport.

The Board of AAUCA expresses its sincere gratitude to the team and management of the RCP of the International Airport "Rivne", personally to the director of Nasiniuk I.F. and his deputy Serhiy I.V. received warm welcome, attention and hospitality and hospitality that they had shown during the organization and conduct of the event.

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