The commencement of work of the public council of the new staff at the State Aviation Service of Ukraine.

The commencement of work of the public council of the new staff at the State Aviation Service of Ukraine.

08/01/2019 Another meeting at the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure was held Public Session (GR) at the State Aviation Service (DAS).

The Chairman of the Public Council P.Lypovenko opened the meeting, which was attended by 30 of the 35 members of the GR and proposed the agenda of the meeting, which was adopted by the participants of the meeting.

Before the start of the work, one of the participants of the GR meeting, who wanted to bring the destructive thing to work and disrupt it, to which most participants did not pay attention and continued their work.

The authorized representative of the State Aviation Service I. Zelinsky made a statement on the information approved by the order of the State Tax Inspectorate No. 995 of 01.08.2019. and comments and suggestions from members of the GR.

The participants discussed the Rules of Procedure of the GR and made a decision to extend the deadline for submitting comments and proposals until 01.09.2019, and after their analysis and finalization, approve it at the next meeting.

According to the agenda, the organizational structure of the GR at DAS was discussed, as well as the issues of formation of commissions, which were determined by the majority of those present, namely:

1. Aviation Safety Commission;
2. Aviation and General Aviation Commission;
3. Commission on the Facilitation of Formalities and the Development of Multimodal Transportation;
4. Airport Activity Commission;
5. Strategic Development and Innovation Technology Commission
As for the staff of the commissions and its management (Chairman, Secretary), it was decided to appoint during August 2019 and to approve the decision of the next meeting of the public council.

The meeting ended on a positive note, all participants expressed their wishes for further business, constructive and productive work.

Also, after the meeting, its participants were given the opportunity to communicate with each other and with the leadership of the State Tax Administration and the GR.

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