Interested leaders and experts attempted to address this question at the meeting of the Airport Technical Committee (ATC) of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" of Civil Aviation (AAUCA), which was attended by leading specialists from the Ministry of Infrastructure, STATE AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OF UKRAINE, scientists, designers, builders, airports and aviation enterprises involved in the development, coordination and implementation of this regulatory document.
The event was in both online and offline formats and gathered approximately 40 interested individuals. The decision-making process and the selection of a developer began in 2021 when two ministries, the MINISTERSTVO REHIONALNOHO ROZVYTKU TA BUDIVNYTSTVA UKRAYINY as the customer, NAU as the developer and the Ministry of Infrastructure, were involved. The STATE AUDIT SERVICE OF UKRAINE served as the regulator, and AAUCA initiated the process.
Currently, these two ministries have merged, simplifying relations and contributing to a faster resolution of issues. The meeting was opened by the President of AAUCA, Petro Lypovenko, who emphasized the need to leverage European experience in designing airport infrastructure to facilitate investment attraction and establish effective standards for designers, builders, and airport operators. The development process and approval procedures have been ongoing for three years, with no end in sight.
Responsible for development, head of the Department of Aviation Transport Infrastructure at the National Aviation University (NAU), Associate Professor Oleksandr Dubyk, reported on the approval process of DBN, during which the content of DBN was reduced and sections related to structural strength calculations, load coefficient determination, and strength parameters of runway elements were cut. Differences also exist between the State Emergency Service and The STATE AUDIT SERVICE OF UKRAINE in terms and names in the section dedicated to emergency rescue measures.
During the meeting, presentations were made by:
- L.M. Cherevko, Chief Engineer of Projects, KYYIVAEROPROEKT
- O.P. Voskobiynyk, Director of the Department of Technical Regulation in Construction, Ministry of Infrastructure.
- L.V. Hryhorieva, Deputy Chief of the Department of Airfields and Airports, State Aviation Administration of Ukraine.
- H.M. Aheieva, Chair of the Airport Technical Committee of AAUCA, Associate Professor at NAU.
- M.I. Belov, Head of the Aerodrome Complex Design Department, Institute Ukrdorproekt.
- Ye.O. Kolisnyk, Head of the Aerodrome Service, State Enterprise "ANTONOV."
All expressed their support for the immediate implementation of this long-awaited regulatory document, considering all comments and proposals.
The meeting proceeded in a businesslike and constructive atmosphere, and the committee made necessary decisions for further work on the approval of the 2nd edition of DBN. Specifically:
- Considering the proposal from the representative of the Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine, form a list of proposals regarding additions to specific sections, subsections, points, and appendices with mandatory justification for their inclusion in the project of the State Building Code "Transport Facilities. Airports."
- Involve interested project, construction, and aviation enterprises in forming proposals.
The deadline for submitting proposals to AAUCA is February 14, 2024.
- The working group should process the submitted proposals, form the corresponding list, and submit it for consideration to the customer of the DBN development - the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
The deadline for submission for consideration is February 28, 2024.
After the review of proposals by AAUCA, we will inform the committee members and the aviation community.
We hope that our voices will be heard, and every effort will be made to provide us with this document for use in our work in the first half of 2024.
Accept our sincerest wishes for success, luck, OUR VICTORY, and peaceful activities for all of us.