It is time to discuss the restoration and development of the airfield infrastructure of airports!

On December 21, 2022, despite the difficult situation caused by russian aggression, the Association "Airports of Ukraine" of Civil Aviation (AAUCA) held a meeting of the Aerodrome Technical Committee, which was held in time, as the entire aviation community is waiting for our victory and restoration of damaged airport facilities and air transportation.

About 25 representatives of various institutions and enterprises took part in the event, including: the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, State Enterprise "ANTONOV", airports and airlines of Ukraine, scientists of the National Aviation University (NAU), "Ukrdoproekt Institute" LLC, companies as UNIPROM, SE "Dorcentr" and insurance company "Brokbusiness".

The event was planned to be held in both online and offline formats, but due to a electricity supply failure before the very start of the event, connecting to the zoom conference unfortunately became impossible, due to which most of the participants could not participate online.

At the meeting, a number of important issues were discussed, including: the provisions and state of development of the new State Building Regulations "Transport Structures. Aerodromes", which are so necessary today for designers, builders, and operators, because until today, everyone still uses the scattered standards of the 90s; methods and technologies of surveying the condition of airfield surfaces and methods of providing recommendations for their reconstruction, repair and recovery after significant damage. The heads of the institute of continuous training of NAU talked about the programs and modern requirements for the training and retraining of personnel of airfield and technical complexes of airports.

It was interesting to listen to the presentations of the activities of AAUCA participating companies: UNIPROM LLC, UKRDORPROEKT Institute and Dorcentr State Enterprise, which demonstrated to all those present at the meeting the installation for measuring the ACN/PCN ratio based on the Dynatest FFWD 8012-002 single-axle trailer of the Danish company Dynatest.

Unfortunately, the representatives of the STATE AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OF UKRAINE although they were invited, did not find the time and opportunity to participate in this event, which indicates a lack of interest in communicating with the aviation public, providing answers to questions regarding their activities in the process of transition to European and world standards, regulatory legal acts, which is required by the signed agreement with the EU on "Common aviation space" and other international legal acts.

The meeting was held in a business-like, constructive atmosphere, the committee made a number of important decisions for further work. All participants had the opportunity to actively express their opinions, discuss various topics and exchange experiences.

Sincere gratitude of the participants of the event, to the leadership of NAU for providing, in such difficult circumstances, the opportunity to hold the event.

We hope that in the near future all events will take place under peaceful skies in free Ukraine!

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