Safety and health of the population in the area of constant attention of the AAUCA environmental committee.

On December 7, 2021, on the basis of the National Aviation University, an online Zoom conference hosted a scheduled meeting of the Environmental Safety Committee of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" of CA (AAUCA).

The event discussed topical issues of meeting the requirements of international directives on aircraft noise management at the aerodrome area, familiarization with the software product developed within the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Program “Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches - ANIMA”.

The event was attended by representatives of the State Aviation Administration, scientists of the National Aviation University, environmental specialists of aviation enterprises, software developers within the framework of the ANIMA project, about 40 participants in total.
The issues considered related to:
1) Fulfillment by aerodrome operators of the Aviation Regulations of Ukraine No. 381-2019, the main provisions of which are a step towards the harmonization of national aviation legislation with international (ICAO and EU).
2) Aircraft noise management in residential areas: acoustic and non-acoustic factors affecting public response to noise exposure; topical issues of aircraft noise exposure regulation, solved by the ANIMA project on the examples of European airports.
3) Challenges for local communities arising from ignorance by developers and local executive authorities of the conditions of noise load on the aerodrome area when developing master plans for the development of territories around existing airfields, conducting an environmental impact assessment of the planned activity.
4) The prospect of introducing a noise monitoring system at the aerodrome area: funding, use of data by stakeholders to regulate exposure and the impact of aircraft noise on the population.
5) The impact of the low intensity of flights formed during the pandemic on the prospects for the development of regional airports, the possible limitation of the operation of aerodromes in accordance with the requirements of environmental noise standards.

At the end of the meeting, the management of the committee made the following decisions and proposals for elaboration:
1) To take into account the preliminary results of the ANIMA project, invite the NAU specialists to develop recommendations on the application of the main results of the project in the environmental protection activities of airports;
2) Since the implementation of the ANIMA project is in test mode and today it is possible to use it free of charge, contact the airport management with a proposal to take part in testing the software product in order to predict potential changes in the zoning of the aerodrome area by the influence of aircraft noise when the intensity of takeoff and landing operations.
3) To establish cooperation between the Department of Ecology of the NAU and the Committee on Environmental Safety of the AAUCA in order to improve the training of environmental specialists.

AAUCA expresses its sincere gratitude to the management, specialists of NAU for the comfortable conditions, attention and goodwill shown during the organization and holding of the meeting of the committee on environmental safety.

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