How to accelerate the implementation of the requirements of the Agreement on a Joint Aviation Space between Ukraine and the European Union?

This topic was considered on November 19, 2021 at the Economic-Law Aviation Forum organized by the Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA (AAUCA) in conjunction with the "Kiev" Sikorsky international airport 

The forum addressed the following main issues: bringing the legal and regulatory acts governing the activities of the aviation industry in line with EU standards, as well as regulating the procedure for transferring aviation industry enterprises to concessions and other forms of organizing production management at airports, using world experience.

In his speech, at the opening of the forum, AAUCA President Petro Lypovenko drew attention to the development and modernization of airport infrastructure, which in most regional airports has not been updated since the beginning of its commissioning (more than 30 years) and only in the current period, thanks to the program "Big construction" of the President of Ukraine V.Zelensky, began a full-scale complex reconstruction of airports.

At the meeting of the aviation forum were present and spoke with their vision of the further development of the aviation industry and the development of the necessary legal and regulatory acts, Head of the Directorate for Aviation of the Ministry of Infrastructure D.Kushpil, Head of the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine O.Bilchuk, Head of the Infrastructure Projects Department "Ukrinfraproekt" I.Pikul, Specialist of the of Ministry of Infrastructure Department of Support of Reforms O.Lemeshkin, managers and representatives of the owners of the leading airports in Ukraine, experts of the aviation industry, representatives of companies that are involved in consulting and developing appropriate documentation for the registration of concession and other forms of management - A.Khoroshun (LLC SPILNO), A.Moskalyuk (LLC EY).

The audience was very interested in the presentation of the head of the Dalaman airport (Turkey) Hamdi Guvench, who spoke about the experience, responsibilities of the parties and the results of the operation of airports in Turkey and other countries under the concession.

According to the Representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure, approval and implementation of European Union Directives, namely: the procedure for establishing airport taxes at Ukrainian airports, the provision of land plots for use by airports on preferential terms, free economic zones in the airport area, should take place within one year. The possibility of experimental testing of these EU Directives at several airports in Ukraine was also considered, as well as the creation of a joint working group to support and assist in the development of relevant documents and the implementation of draft government resolutions.

As a result of discussions, the participants of the economic-law forum have developed a draft decision, which includes the corresponding appeals to the central executive authorities:

1. To express gratitude and support to the President of Ukraine V.Zelensky, Prime Minister D.Shmyhal and Minister of Infrastructure A.Kubrakov for the concrete decisions made on the reconstruction and modernization of the infrastructure of Ukraine's airports, which have been laid down and are already being carried out according to the "Big Construction" program.
2. In connection with the signing of the Agreement on the Joint Aviation Space between Ukraine and the European Union, draw the attention of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine and other central executive and legislative bodies to urgently bring the legal and regulatory acts regulating the activities of the aviation industry in line with EU standards. As a matter of priority:
a) To bring into conformity the Procedure for establishing airport charges for servicing aircraft and passengers at the airports of Ukraine, introduced by order of the Ministry of Transport #433 dated April 14, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) to Directive of the European Parliament 2009/12/EC of June 11, 2009, it is necessary to truly preserve all the norms and provisions of this Directive and initiate its approval by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and make appropriate changes to the legislation.
b) To regulate access to the market for ground handling services at airports, in accordance with EU Directive 96\67 of 15.10.1996, since commercial relations between aviation market participants do not relate to safety in aviation, but are an economic component, consider the possibility of approving the document as the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure, which will eliminate a number of uncertainties in the appointment of a coordinator and agreeing on the decisions made.
3. Apply to the Government, Parliament and the Kiev City State Administration on the issue of regulating the procedure for transferring aviation enterprises to a concession and other forms of organizing the management of production activities at airports (outsourcing, renting), using world experience and consider the possibility of introducing a concession option at the "Kiev" Sikorsky international airport, as a pilot project.
4. Apply to the Government to approve the established aviation transport strategy and develop a plan for its implementation.
5. Contact the Government to develop the necessary regulatory documents for the application of Article 96 of the Air Code of Ukraine "On socially important air transportation" for the most remote airports in Ukraine (MA "Uzhgorod").
6. To draw the attention of the Ministry of Education and Science to the quality of training specialists in the relevant specialties for the aviation industry.

The participants of the event express their gratitude for the assistance in holding the forum in a comfortable and constructive business environment to the management of the international airport "Kiev".

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