In the continuation of the information about the first large-scale offline visit to the ear of the COVID-19 pandemic - a submission to the aerodrome-technical committee of the Association "Aeroport of Ukraine" of civil aviation (AAUCA)

In the continuation of the information about the first large-scale offline visit to the ear of the COVID-19 pandemic - a submission to the aerodrome-technical committee of the Association "Aeroport of Ukraine" of civil aviation (AAUCA).

Zakhid visit 06/16/21 in the National Aviation University (NAU) and selected nearly 70 participants.
Nagadaєmo scho naperedodnі CCB pіdpisany Memorandum about spіvpratsyu mіzh the NAU that AAUTSA, zgіdno yakogo i in away planuєtsya provoditis plіdna robot sumіsna in napryamku rozvitku avіatsіynoyu the Branch that pіdgotovki avіaspetsіalіstіv de vazhlivu role Mauger vіdіgraєti AAUTSA so yak Yea provіdnoyu profіlnoyu Gromadska asotsіatsієyu scho about 'One of the Ukrainian aviation enterprises, and the university in its own house, ready for the change and advancement of education.
I was encouraged to take a look at the given food supply of the Vitichean capital of the country and the unprecedented Ministry of Infrastructure of Oleksandr Kubrakov and the Ministry of Education and Science of Sergiy Shkarlet.
On zasіdannі komіtetu boule prisutnі predstavniki Mіnіsterstva іnfrastrukturi Ukraine, State avіatsіynoї Service of Ukraine, the Sovereign Agency іnfrastrukturnih proektіv Ukraine, Mіnіsterstva regіonalnogo rozvitku, Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh right, Mіnіsterstva Defense of Ukraine, the Sovereign pіdpriєmstva obslugovuvannya povіtryanogo Rukh Ukrainy "UkSATSE" State Service of Ukraine of Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, representatives of aeroports, virobniks of special technology, materials, chemical agents and others.
During the period of large-scale development, for the rest of the rock, the development of the infrastructure of the airports, the development of the power of the financing, the well-known state-run programs, about the development of the Head of the State Infrastructure Agency
Participants sunset discussed Mill regulatory pravovoї bazi proektuvannya, budіvnitstva, repair that ekspluatatsії aeroportіv, chinnі vimogi to pіdgotovki dokazovoї dokumentatsії for sertifіkatsії aerodromіv, viznachennya blokіv aerodromіv to yakih at sertifіkatsії zastosovuyutsya Ti Chi INSHI avіatsіynі rules and takozh - vimogi to profesіynoї pіdgotovki that perepіdgotovki aerodrome-technical personnel of aeroports.
Bulo received a little from the representative of the Ministry of Regional Development, the expert of the expert group.
Representatives of the ACI Europe and the Swiss company Boschung Global Ltd have gotten to the online zoom.
The representative of ACI Europe Ian Witter gave the European advice about the forms of power and management, as well as the possibility to certify the European airports, and the specialties of the all-round information about the automation system of the company "Automation" It is based on the ICAO value format (GRF).
ATLAS - the system is automatic in the light of the day, as it doesn’t affect the closing of the ill-planting smog and the physical presence of the personnel for the control of the country. It is necessary to plan to promote the work with the representatives of the company in order to take the message of the European countries and in Ukraine.
Tsei zadbuvsya for pidtrimki companies: TOV "VATEK", TOV "UNIPROM", TOV "Tital", TOV "ELAR-TELECOM", TOV "Avtomagistral-Pivden", Company "DataSpektr", "TOV" Yu Group ", TOV NVP" TEKHVESTSERVIS ", PP" Leant ", representatives of which came up with additional reasons and presentations of their products and services, which are important for airports.
I would like to help the rector of NAU Maksim Lutskiy for insight into the position before the opportunity to visit the AAUCA at the walls of one of the most beautiful universities in the country and Alma Maters for the members of the AUTS committees.
We are encouraged on the occasion of the development of air transport and development of the air traffic of our country.

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