The long - awaited online meeting of specialists took place within the framework of the Committee on Aviation Security  of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA.

The long - awaited online meeting of specialists took place within the framework of the Committee on Aviation Security  of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA.

February 4, 2021 in the friendly, comfortable hall of the VIP terminal "B" of the international airport "Kyiv" named after Both Sikorsky and the online Zoom conference hosted a meeting of the Committee on Aviation Security (AB) of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA (AAUCA).

The meeting was attended by deputy directors, heads of services, aviation security specialists of airports of airlines, airlines heads of departments of the State Aviation Service, heads of training centers with airlines, members of the GR DASU, a total of 50 people.

The AS specialists in charge, who are responsible for the state of aviation safety in airlines, were able to communicate with colleagues, partners, ask questions and get answers from both suppliers of AS equipment and heads of the Department of AB of the State Aviation Service.

Before the beginning of the committee's work, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the founder and head of the ICAO Institute, professor of the National Aviation University, assistant and friend of AAUCA GA Suslova.

The meeting was opened by the President of the Association Petro Lipovenko, who spoke about the activities of AAUCA during the quarantine period, as well as stressed the problems and challenges facing the committee.

Petro Lipovenko drew attention to the timeliness, relevance and importance of the meeting of the committee on AS, as in 2020 adopted several regulations on AS.

The participants listened with great interest and in the dialogue discussed the information of the Deputy Head of the Department of AB of the State Aviation Service - Valentyn Mizyuk and the Head of the Personnel Training Department of AB Rymma Oskilko on:

• The current state of aviation security in the aviation industry of Ukraine.
• Implementation of the provisions of the State Program of the AS (Discussion of NPA, adopted in 2020).
• Current requirements for the training of personnel with AS - recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO on work during the Covid pandemic - 19.
It was gratifying to see that the online conference was attended by representatives of all airports in Ukraine and most airlines, information on staff training in the form of field courses was supplemented by the heads of the ICAO Institute Tatiana Zagniy (Chair of the AB Committee) and Kateryna Stadnik, and the event was interesting. and lively discussions.

During the event, the issues of application of the instruction on assessment of the level of threats to the safety of civil aviation, requirements for certification of systems, equipment, units of AB airports were considered. care for AS in the mode of registered shippers, preparation of security programs at airports and airlines, in accordance with guidelines, access to ICAO documents on AS, providing effective online training of AS staff, improving the culture of attitude to AS as a mentality and others.

Presentations of companies - suppliers and manufacturers of means and equipment for aviation safety were heard:

• Valeria Zarembo - VV LLC "VATEK" and its partner - "Renful premier technologies" on the application of the new Program of simulators with JSB "Alfox":
A representative of the company offered the possibility of a monthly free use of the Program to evaluate its effectiveness.

• Serhiy Baranovsky - Robert Bosch LTD LLC about the latest developments of the company in the field of analytical equipment of cameras and systems of AB;
• Artur Zhulinsky - NK Systems LLC - a representative of NUCHTECH on the company's proposals to ensure the viability of existing AB equipment at airports and proposals for new models.
All representatives of the manufacturers assured that during the quarantine period of the decline in air traffic and the lack of working capital, airlines are ready to supply equipment and services to operators on credit, leasing and other preferential terms.

The Committee decided to work out the issues considered at the meeting and organize a conference in September - October 2021 - a meeting of the AS Committee and to include issues of AS culture, quality of education.

The management of the Association "Airports of Ukraine" CA expresses its sincere gratitude to the General Director of LLC "MASTER-AVIA" Tovkes OV, the head of VIP Terminal "B" Elena Murovtseva and specialist Sergey Levitsky for the warm welcome, reliable communication, attention and friendliness, which were demonstrated by them during the organization and holding of the meeting of the AAUCA Aviation Security Committee.

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