The aviation insurance workshop will improve the knowledge of aviation specialists

The aviation insurance workshop will improve the knowledge of aviation specialists

Association of "Airports of Ukraine" CA (AAUCA), in cooperation with the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Business, will organize a scientific and practical seminar for specialists and leading specialists (lawyers) responsible for aviation insurance in airlines, handlers, catering, fuel filling companies and airlines (in terms of the relationship with airports).

The scientific and practical workshop includes:
The installation workshop, which will be held on November 8, 2018, from 10-00 to 17-00 (building 1, the audience will be provided separately) at the National Aviation University (NAU Kyiv, Prospect Cosmonaut Komarova, 1);
Disseminating educational materials;
Distance learning and individual tasks;
The final day of the seminar, which will be held on November 22 at NAU, the participants will receive a diploma of the state standard for advanced training in aviation insurance.

Among the program issues of the seminar:
Insurance - as an element of airport risk management;
Identification of the main airport operational risks;
Airport Damage Statistics: Frequency and Claims Amount;
Methods of justification of rational limits of airport liability;
Legal capacity to limit airport risks;
Limitation of liability of the airport in contracts for ground handling;
Measures to reduce the risks and responsibilities of the airport;
Airport insurance for the airport. Risk transfer through insurance.

At the seminar, as lecturers - consultants, will take part expert on aviation insurance of the Institute of Risk and lawyers - consultants of the international law firm Kennedys (Great Britain)
Since third-party lecturers and consultants are involved in the training, participation in the seminar is paid.

We invite specialists to improve their knowledge in this direction.
Additional information on E-mail: [email protected], tel / fax + 380-44 339 27 04 (03)

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