It is nice when all branches of regional government and business unite to restore the resort of their region, the city

It is nice when all branches of regional government and business unite to restore the resort of their region, the city.

One of the examples of such cooperation can be a round table on the restoration and development of air transportation from Rivne airport.

At the joint initiative of Rivne Regional State Administration Chairman Vitaliy Koval, Rivne Regional Council Chairman Serhiy Kondrachuk, Rivne City Mayor Oleksandr Tretyak, with the participation of direct executors of these bodies responsible for the development of Rivne Regional Utility Company, as well as business representatives - future investors, aviation experts, local media, tour operators - on 19.05.2021 in the conference hall of the hotel Reikartz Bergschloss this event took place.

The event was also attended by members of the American-Ukrainian Business Council (USBC) led by Executive Director Mykhailo Datsenko and President of the Association of Ukrainian Airports Civil Aviation (AAUCA) Petro Lipovenko with representatives of AAUCA members who were directly involved in the reconstruction and construction airport facilities from design to commissioning. After welcoming speeches and setting tasks, which is working out a specific roadmap for reconstruction and modernization of airport facilities that would meet European standards and could receive and service aircraft such as Boeing and Airbus, regional and city leaders, speeches continued by aviation experts. : Inessa Pikul, Head of the Department of the IMU Agency for Infrastructure Projects, who confirmed online that Rivne Airport is in Ukraine's airport development program, according to which it is planned to allocate UAH 75 million for the repair of road and platform coverings, aerodrome fences, RTO and SSO, after the submission of projects that have passed the State Construction Examination. The chairman of the Rivne regional council confirmed that the region has ordered and is financing the preparation of design and estimate documentation, which should be completed by the end of June 2021. The UkSATSE specialist assured that they are ready to ensure the reception and release of all types of aircraft under the AFIS system.

In his speech, AAUCA President Petro Lipovenko drew attention and thanked the leaders of the region and the city for the consolidated attitude to the renovation and modernization of airport facilities, as well as warned about the consequences and responsibility for poor, untimely design and construction work unscrupulous, unprofessional, sometimes without experience of contractors. Which happened more than once in the airports and airlines of Ukraine.

Regarding the resumption of air services, both charter and scheduled, he said that all airlines WINDROSE, SkyUp Airlines, Bees Airline and others interviewed could operate such flights, provided that the aerodrome and airport infrastructure meet the certification requirements for their aircraft types. the airport of a set of equipment for all-season ground handling, RDA performance and maintenance of the aerodrome in operational condition. As well as the availability of qualified airport staff, which must be dealt with today.

P. Lipovenko also suggested joint efforts to promote the introduction of changes to the NPA in the performance of domestic air transportation, namely:

• not to collect VAT, including from aviation fuel;
• reduce airport fares and AIEs in the aerodrome area
• implement the Regulations on socially necessary air transportation in accordance with Article 96 of the Air Code of Ukraine;
• simplify the transfer of special equipment for ground handling between airports and airlines of various forms of ownership;
• increase the level of training of aviation specialists in educational institutions;
• and a number of other measures that would help reduce the cost of air transportation (air tickets).
After the event at the hotel, those interested visited the airport, where they got acquainted with the condition of the airport facilities and gave practical recommendations for reconstruction, modernization and further operation.

We hope that within 3 years, with the appropriate attitude of all branches of government and the implementation of planned reforms, the people of Ukraine will be able to move quickly and comfortably between the cities of our country.

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